"Birds of Texas"

I like to be separated from everyone else in another person's home,

honing my astronomical long separation wink.

I send it out toward a mirror

some diverted exhausted cosmonaut dropped

on a space rock tearing immensely

closer to our star. Nobody observes

me viewing thousands

of TV hours, weaving

a brilliant catamount out of

little brilliant threadlets. These great

desolate days everything

I've guaranteed I've seen

for me to utilize it sparkles.

I'm sitting tight for the love

of Alice Ghostley, who keeps

in different confronts and appearances

showing up in the midst of the plot machines,

continuously to somebody more lovely

also, focal in complex purposeless connection.

They call her plain yet to me her name

sounds loaded with removed messages

radiated a thousand years prior,

just now to bloom. Penultimate

cigarette, high betray breezes,

I've composed every one of my arrangements and pledges

on cautious scraps of paper heaped

underneath oddly substantial minimal dark rocks

I assembled on numerous moderate strolls

into town to ask nobody who

would try naming this specific

time between later evening

furthermore, dusk. Crazed honey bee, I know

the name of the plant you are in!

Salvia! Likewise, the jay is not blue,

nor the sky or indigo hitting,

inside of particles and quills sun

gets lost making master holographers

out of every one of us. Passarina, I saw

your dull burst from the railing glimmer

furthermore, a bug vanished. Evening

by and by slipped into

the service station as it did those old

days it had a body that moved

furthermore, smoked among the individuals,
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