"Changing The Past.

What's done is done which is as it should be

That is the place it should sit tight

Yet, some can't release it

In their heads it consumes

Until every one of their center gets to be

The individual that they used to be

The mix-ups they made in their life

Goodness, if they could see

That you can't change what happened

Regardless of how hard you attempt

Regardless of the amount you consider it

Regardless of the amount you cry

What happens in your lifetime

Happens for no good reason

So you need to let the cards develop

Let your story be indicated

Live throughout today not tomorrow

Get up, get out and begin living

Since what's done is done which is as it should be

It's been and now it is no more

So quit attempting to consider approaches to settle it

It's done, its unchangeable, proceed onward
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