Friends Forever

Closest Friends

The title we picked

Anyway, what does it intend to be "closest companions"?

You ought to see one another consistently?

Well that is not valid for you and me

Should senseless little battles get in our direction?

Just if that is the way its intended to be

Should we give?

Should we acquire?

Should we move like there's not tomorrow?

Mysteries are exchanged

Security attacked

Embraces and grins are shared

Tears are shed

Adoration is spread

We realize that we both truly minded

I grin, you grin

You cry, I cry

I wish, you wish

You pass on, I kick the bucket

In the event that you fall

I'll help you up

Also, on the off chance that you call

I'll generally get

Closest Friends Forever

The guarantee we made

Also, I know in my heart

That it will never blur
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