.I Love You Dad.

I adore you Dad with everything that is in me

What's more, loathe that we ought to be separated

Our affection is a bond that can't be broken

You may be gone, yet always remembered

I recall the day you went away

The agony in my heart is each thump

 The misfortune is something I can't portray

I'm truly going to miss you

One day I'll be back by your side

So I can embrace and kiss you

There are no words to let you know,

Exactly what I'm feeling inside

The stun, the damage, the outrage

One day, will progressively die down

Things will never again be the same

Yet despite the fact that I'm harming terrible

I will grin at whatever point I hear your name

Also, be so glad to recall my Dad

Rest soundly sweetheart Dad, always in my heart and my contemplations
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