.Voir Dire.

I live in New York City and a stallion

makes a go at clopping by my window.

At that point I don't

hear the stallion any longer.

All guarantees

have been broken.

I lie in overnight boardinghouse

to rest. Once in a while

I see children resting,

minimal ones lying

on their backs

with child bones

also, skeletons

also, organs that capacity.

They see and listen

also, taste and smell.

They figure out how to talk and feel

ponderousness and disgrace.

It's great that we don't

keep in mind being infants.

It's great to feel great.

Infrequently I fall

for things I shouldn't.

I think about my guardians

with a kind

of disappointment and sensitivity

for every one of us. A procedure,

like whatever else.

A progression of inquiries

brought up peacefully.

It's an enterprise

inside my body at this moment,

not realizing what will happen.

Something gets constrained in,

returns out.

Whatever it is,

I say only it,

out loud. I choose

on a course of thought

on the other hand activity, and definitely

end up seeking after the other.

I'm upbeat

to be irate,

yet, additionally simply upbeat.

I share a pizza

what's more, film with my wife.

She is similar to a carrot

what's more, I'm a little rabbit.

Our children will be orange.

A bug is squeezed

into a book's pages

on the rack.

Travelers get their photos taken

before incredible masterpieces.

A youthful couple French

-kisses outside

the Museum of Sex.

The moon is full and sparkling

eminently over

the streams, Hudson and East.

I'm 6 feet tall and tone hard of hearing,

a genuinely appalling artist.

I've generally been influenced

by the conviction that the creator

should not have the capacity to see

himself in his specialty. I see

only myself.

Plastic blossoms in a rich,

green garden on

the Lower East Side, Avenue C.

Pinocchio remaining some time recently

a table of carpentry apparatuses.

I know you know

I'm keeping an eye on you

keeping an eye on me

keeping an eye on you. That is

what makes this good times,

isn't that so? Enter to

the most high god

what's more, you'll go crazy,

I listen. Indeed

the rate of light

isn't sufficiently quick

to spare you.

In any case, don't be perplexed.

It's just the weight

that is hard to shoulder.

Event congregation rides,

indeed, even kids' corkscrew

play area slides

make me sick.

Moms shout at their youngsters

what's more, their youngsters cry.

The points of confinement of my direct personality.

I in some cases think everything

I'll ever do or say

is as of now inside

another person.

What was I considering

when I denoted that entry

in the book that read,

This is more established than towns?

As a kid, my top pick

some piece of the day was returning home

also, getting the mail,

pondering what,

in the case of anything, was tended to

to me. I wish rest

was a switch I could basically toss.

Collectedness and inebriation also.

The huge bliss I get

at the point when perusing my sent messages.

Additionally in at last getting straight

the spellings of better than average

also, drop.

Throughout the day at the shoreline,

kids step

out of the surf and onto

the shore. New life forms,

in the fabulous plan of things.

My back is awfully sun-blazed.

Peeling. I get chills and overlook

all that I've learned.

I'm a Mayflower

descendent. My incredible

-incredible granddad

was a Russian-Jewish settler.

Riding in a taxi

up the West Side Highway,

somewhat plastered,

the salt-water air

also, pontoon vapor… 

I get unimaginably propelled,

at the same time, not for long.

A dish of new

blueberries and glass

after glass of water

anticipate my entry


A hard-bubbled

egg for breakfast.

The feline. My wife.

The future era

we have yet to have.

Where did this weight

I've picked up originate from?

Why wouldn't i be able to lose it?

I'm in my mid thirties,

my grandparents are dead

also, my guardians are old.

Incessant this feels familiar

renders everything inexorable.

At the point when my wife gets back home

she will kiss me and evacuate

her garments, extend

over the overnight boardinghouse will

examine the day. Most

of my favorable luck

is a fluke.

The awful also.

That is as far

as it ever appears to go.

Another out of shape body

at the rec center

attempting to look great,

a connection relating itself

to itself.

There are no answers,

just varieties

in understanding.

Which is the reason

of discourse. Words.

Over and over.

It's to myself I basically talk.

A man strolling past

me on the metro stage serenades,

Christmas, Christmas, Christmas.

On an expansive envelope I drop

via the post office I compose over and again,

Try not to Bend.

Disclosure of one thing

by method for another.

The material of the universe folding

until every single conceivable way

tight to one.

I'm totally dependent

to my email. Can't go without

checking it like clockwork.

Association with the outside

world by means of the virtual.

Things either happen

then again they don't.

The lavender my mom made a difference

my wife transplant is kicking the bucket.

One of the more agreeable

encounters of my life

was moshing so hard

I broke my retainer.

Twenty-three years prior.

There are no

tactful occasions. History

is in everything.

Furthermore, memory. Faint

ideas coming into core interest,

at that point blurring.

In an alternate life

I'd like to have been

a B-film star.
the sound of activity,

the sun and air

through the open window.

Putting a touch of spring

back in my stride.

This affection

what's more, scorn in my heart.

Be that as it may, in the event that I could simply stay wakeful,

in the event that I could simply stay wakeful sufficiently long

it may all work out. This day

scarcely starte
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