Loving Language

How does Love talk?
In the weak flush upon the obvious cheek,

Furthermore, in the whiteness that succeeds it; by
The trembling cover of a deflected eye- -

The grin that demonstrates the guardian to a murmur
In this manner doth Love talks.

How does Love talk?
By the uneven heart-throbs, and the oddity

Of bouncing heartbeats that stop and hurt,
While new feelings, as bizarre freight ships, make

Along vein-channels their exasperating course;
Still at the first light, and with the day break's quick compel -

Subsequently doth Love talks.
How does Love talk?

In the shirking of that which we look for -
The sudden hush and store when close -

The eye that flickers with an unshod tear- -
The delight that appears the partner of apprehension,

As the frightened heart jumps in the bosom,
Also, knows, and names, and welcomes its supernatural visitor -

In this manner doth Love talks.
How does Love talk?

In the glad soul all of a sudden become mild -
The haughty heart developed humble; in the delicate

What's more, anonymous light that surges the world with magnificence;
In the likeness which the affectionate eyes follow

In every reasonable thing to one dearest face;
In the modest touch of hands that excite and tremble;

In looks and lips that can no more camouflage -
Hence doth Love talks.

How does Love talk?
In the wild words that expressed appear to be so powerless

They therapist embarrassed peacefully; in the flame
Book hits with look, quickly blazing high and higher,

Like lightnings that go before the relentless tempest;
In the profound, heartfelt stillness; in the warm,

Energy tide that compasses through throbbing veins,
Between the shores of sharp joys and torments;

In the grasp where fruitiness liquefies in rapture,
What's more, in the convulsive bliss of a kiss- -

Along these lines doth Love talks.
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